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Mkulima Chain

Agricultural DeFi that allows farmers to sell there coffee. with trust and transparency

Mkulima Chain

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

This project is will and can change and transform the agriculture industry. Sad story In Kenya farmers produced fifty thousand metric tons of coffee last year and you know what they got for there hardwork. Well 0 dollars. in a whole Year. This protocol fixes that. The Poor becomes the rich by giving a farmer a wallet wich he will use to sell his coffee to the factory. the factory must stake amount of eth per kg for the farmer. to incitive him not to act fradulently. the transaction of the farmer selling his cheeries in exchange of eth is done and can be accessed

How it's Made

This project is made use foundry, and calling chainlink price data feeds to get amount of eth in dollars, it uses openzeppelin nonreentrancy guard. it will later have a fronted and this is just a beginning. I wiil use later safe to store farmers accounts safely. and deploy it in scroll later.

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