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A Social Pinning Platform for Interest Boards and early Creative Market Exposure.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

๐Ÿ“œ Scroll โ€” Just Deploy!

๐Ÿ† Scaling Ethereum Finalist

Project Description

Moonboard creates an open, permissionless platform for NFT discovery and Interest boards.

Problem statement: Interest board sites are mostly ad-based revenue model.

  • Big Brands pay for space on pinning sites like Pinterest
  • Pinned content is not always original and only based on 3rd party content
  • Clickbait gets people to pin and sent to links that are unsafe
  • Original work is not high on interests board because of poor market exposure
  • New NFT projects also have little exposure other than using engagement farming marketing tactics on other social sites

The result is that we do not get to see people interests or new projects without some embedded ad-based payment incentive on these sites and platforms. However, it is proven that the volume of images and scale of network effects runs these kind of sites. What if we leverage this proven social tactic and use web 3 social tooling and the blockchain to change the payment incentives - at scale?

There are already web 3 platform doing this like Brave and Mirror which are based on micropayments to pay out the creators for their content. Let's bring that into social pinning sites for creative content too!

How it works: Put simply, people pay to pin content they like into their own dashboard, but at an insanely small amount.

  • Users can create boards of their favourite NFTs and collect NFTs from other users while paying a small fee
  • This enables the most exciting and promising NFTs to rise to the top and their community can generate income from it
  • We have deployed the application on Scroll, Polygon ZK evm, Gnosis chiado and optimism goerli.
  • We chose to use these layer 2 networks because they provide high transaction throughput at low fees
  • Our application depends on many users making small microtransactions so we donโ€™t want users to have issues with fees

Creating a moonboard

  • Weโ€™ve focused on allowing users to create boards by uploading images
  • Their images are uploaded to IPFS using filecoin so they are available forever
  • After uploading images, we generate NFTs for each Moonpin. The moonpins are then attached to a newly created moonboard contract on chain
  • Users can vote for their favourite moonpins (1 vote per user per pin) to enable discoverability

Pinning a moonpin

  • The most exciting feature of moonboard is pinning. Users can collect moonpins from other boards by paying a small fee to the Moonpin NFT owner (75%) and the Mooner who created the board (25%)
  • As soon as users pin Moonpins, the fee is sent directly to the recipients wallets
  • Moonpins can be pinned to boards infinitely, thus incentivizing users to create high quality moonboards and high quality moonpins that are likely to get pinned
  • Users can view moonboards in order of most pins, most votes or newest


  • We are excited about what Apecoin is bringing to the NFT space, so we are giving creators the option to be paid out in Apecoin
  • When payments are made, we use the Uniswap V2 router to convert funds from ETH to Apecoin and pay out the users in APE if they choose
  • This brings more utility to the APE token and exposes it to users who are not familiar with it

Benefits: Creators can also get an idea of how popular their content/interests are without too much effort. Mooners, can get in on the economics and get passive income for helping board, vote up, and socially validate creators work. This creates a win-win situation where pinning is easy, fun and cheap

How it's Made

Technical implementation

  • The application contracts were built using Solidity, OpenZeppelin contracts (ERC721), Uniswap and Hardhat
  • The front end application was built using Next.js, Tailwind, Family ConnectKit and
  • Contract deployment has been made to Scroll, Polygon ZKEvm, Gnosis and Optimism
  • Filecoin is used for uploading images to IPFS through
  • The front end application is deployed on Vercel
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