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Discover a new era of video sharing with our decentralized platform, where creators have the freedom to share their content without intermediaries. Say goodbye to central control and hello to a community-driven experience.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

A decentralized video sharing and social media platform similar to Tiktok that integrates decentralized video storage as well as blockchain functions like wallet log in and NFT gated content to revolutionize social media with new privacy and monetization features. Right now we built an explore page with a scrolling feature similar to TikTok and Youtube Shorts where anyone can upload their videos for the world to see. You can also explore pages associated with wallet addresses that have uploaded videos. Additionally you can mint NFTs to view their exclusive content, essentially creating token-gated content. As a creator you can upload your own videos to decentralized storage as well as create your own tiers with NFTs and specify the price as well. Other users will have to mint NFTs on your page to view the token-gated content that you have created. This project seeks to combine the best of social media and web3 to create an awesome entertainment experience for the user.

How it's Made

The project uses React on the frontend, Solidity to interact with the blockchain, Foundry for testing smart contracts, and Arweave/Irys to upload and host videos. We deployed the smart contract on Polygon's Mumbai test network so essentially did the development using Polygon. On our to do list was to integrate Lit Protocol to encrypt blockchain data as well as data stored on Arweave but unfortunately we did not get enough time to incorporate it into the application. What's worth noting is all of the videos and data are stored decentrally, I think this is a good proof of concept and shows that decentralized networks can be used for storage intensive applications.

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