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Donations for Cobalt neutrality for Democratic Republic of Congo Cobalt Miners


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

NEAR Protocol - Boost Your Startup with NEAR Horizon 2nd place

Project Description

This project was made with the intent to increase the pay for cobalt miners so that they can live better lives. One of the major issues we learned when analyzing the problem is that many Congolese miners get exposed to radiation because they cannot afford proper mining equipment. Without protection from the uranium traces in the cobalt mines, these people often leave the mines with traces of radiation.

We turn this lemon to lemonade by enabling them to prove they've been in the mine by proving that they are exposed to radiation. This proof, along with a worldcoin personhood verification, will make them eligible for payment. Those who want to give will install a chrome extension that scans for how much cobalt is used and comes up with a quote for the donation amount. For example, if I buy a mac with x grams of cobalt, I'd pay extra to pay the fair price for that cobalt in ETH. That ETH goes directly to the miners who mined that cobalt; no middle man (except the geiger counter :)).

Imagine if a miner could quintuple their pay from these direct donations. Their and their families lives could change for the better!

How it's Made

Our project utilizes various technologies. To collect donations in our pool contract deployed on Sepolia, we used the Near BOS for easy wallet integration (for NEAR and ETH) and a MiniApp for Celo's alfajores testnet. We then have the registering of the miners which uses World App for verification that requires ENS or wallet address to populate an SQL database that holds miners information. Subsequently, the cobalt miners use World App to verify their unique personhood while our server and fetches the wallet stored in the database and makes sure the user hasn't attempted to claim payment earlier in the day. Successful verification triggers the python server that connects with a Flipper Zero to read values from the geiger counter (radiation sensor) that is stored in a CSV, once it's verified it triggers a contract call that will send the donation money to the miner's address.

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