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It's an innovative idea for an Autonomous World (AW), where AI analyzes past transaction data, allowing multiple blockchains to interact and expand the game world in a decentralized and autonomous way.


Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Project Description

【Problem Definition】 Technologies like Account Abstraction and meta-transactions have been developed to enhance UI/UX. Additionally, cross-chain protocols have emerged to enable interoperability between different chains. A significant portion of these transactions is concentrated in internal transactions. By analyzing these with AI, we believe it’s possible to offer users a more interactive and novel UX.

【Goal】 Our goal is to create an Autonomous World (AW) where AI analyzes past transaction data, allowing multiple chains to interoperate and evolve autonomously. Imagine a game world similar to the Pokémon series, where each region represents a different chain, and each transaction generates new game elements.

Specifically, when a user submits a transaction, it’s sent to Galadriel for AI analysis. Based on the results, new elements like monsters or items are generated as NFTs.

Although this hasn’t been fully realized yet, we aim to use cross-chain protocols like LayerZero and CCIP to assign images and metadata generated by Galadriel to NFTs on other chains. We also envision future interactions where monsters on different chains can battle one another, further enhancing cross-chain interaction.

Our ultimate goal is to create an AW where multiple chains interactively collaborate and autonomously expand the world.

【What We Built in This Hackathon】 In this hackathon, we developed the following features:

User-friendly authentication (powered by Web3Auth) Transaction analysis and metadata generation for monster NFTs using Galadriel Indexing of past transaction data using Envio Demonstration of monster NFT generation scripts across chains using CCIP and LayerZero

【Key Points】 The most important aspect of our product is that we deployed AI analysis contracts and metadata generation contracts on Galadriel, aiming for a future where cross-chain interaction occurs through these protocols.

We also focused on ensuring that all backend processes are fully handled within smart contracts, laying the foundation for a truly decentralized and autonomous AW. We made further improvements to Galadriel by deploying our own oracle contracts for enhanced usability.

【Future Expansion】 In the future, we plan to expand Galadriel’s communication capabilities to support more chains. Additionally, we are considering adding security features, positioning it as a cross-chain data analysis tool.

How it's Made

We are using Web3Auth for the frontend.

I tried to use Blockless to host the frontend, but an error occurred during the deployment step. For now, I am hosting it using a different method. It worked fine up to the preview stage.

Transactions sent from the app are analyzed by AI via smart contracts on Galadriel, which then generates metadata for NFTs.

In addition to transaction data, the NFT metadata and other information are emitted as events from the contract, which are indexed using Envio. This allows us to instantly retrieve past data and reuse it to generate new NFTs.

For this project, we deployed the MonsterNFT on (hedera, galadriel, baseSepolia, RootStack, chiliz, Morph, Fhenix).

We also created demo scripts for NFT generation via cross-chain transactions using ChainLink CCIP and LayerZero. In the future, we aim to enable direct transaction submission from Galadriel to other chains.

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