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NEAR BOS Component

Creating my first NEAR BOS component that weclomes ETHGlobal Waterloo!

NEAR BOS Component

Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

This is my first NEAR BOS component, built with javascript. I wanted to learn how to play around with BOS to build a small front-end widget even if it isn't impressive, as a way to learn more about their ecosystem. Most of the time was spent researching more about NEAR, BOS, and their ecosystem.

How it's Made

Uses Javascript & NEAR's BOS. However, I also made new connections & friends along the way while I was learning more about NEAR, such as connecting with Benji from Keypom who worked on easy on-boarding into crypto without having to KYC for an exchange, create a wallet & save its passphrase, and learn how to buy/sell crypto.

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