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NeonDesk is an MEV-resistant oracle-free exchange for ERC20 tokens, suited for Neon EVM's fast finality.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

Users can submit on-chain orders that specify the tokens that they are offering and the tokens that they want in exchange. Orders also have an expiration and may be cancelled at any moment after they are posted. By utilizing Neon EVM's inexpensive transactions and fast finality, bots via off-chain automations can continuously update a user's desired exchange rate for the order. This mechanism allows for fair execution and resistance to MEV.

How it's Made

The project has 2 parts, the NeonDesk smart contract and a React web app serving as a frontend.

The smart contracts use @solady as a dependency for safe ERC20 transfers and EIP-712 support. They are tested with foundry fuzz tests. Hardhat is also supported for the deployment on Neon EVM.

The frontend is a Vite app with React and Typescript. Components for the UI are built on top of the Chakra UI library. Wagmi and viem is used to interface with Neon EVM and to provide easy-to-use hooks for read and write methods. WalletConnect is used for interfacing with browser wallets via Web3Modal.

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