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Nextbooks facilitates direct-to-creator payments through short-term textbook rental.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

Nextbooks allows authors to upload written work (textbooks, books, etc.) to a peer-to-peer network. Access to content will be enabled through rented NFTs the duration of which can be determined by the author and chosen by the renter.

Nextbooks allows readers to engage with a community of fellow readers who currently have access to the work via the rented token. Authors have the option of imposing a structure for the community engagement (e.g. - chapter-based, fundamental question/topics, etc) or leaving it up to the readers to self-organize.

How it's Made

Nextbooks uses the Unlock Protocol to give authors the ability to create the membership access to a textbook. The textbooks are uploaded to IPFS and namespaced using IPNS - this allows for updates to the content and versioning.

Lens Protocol is the default social platform for community collaboration or engagement around a textbook. We are using EPNS to notify readers who are nearing the end of their membership access to a textbook.

Our full tech stack looks like: ✨IPFS - Storage of rentable content 📚 ✨Unlock - To time-limit an NFT's access to content 🔑 ✨Lens - To connect readers who have rented the same content & form community around shared content interests 🌿 ✨Polygon - To deploy onto an eco-conscious chain 💜 ✨Covalent/QuickNode - For deploying smart contracts 🧠 ✨EPNS - To send notifications to users when their NFT time is running out 🚨 ✨UMA Protocol - Allow creators to create their own tokens 🎨 ✨React/NodeJS - Build the DApp 🛠

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