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A simple lottery contract which anyone can join and it picks random winner after the game time ends


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

A simple solidity smart contract which can be interacted by anyone by depositing the amount and participate in the game and after the time limit, the contract picks the random winner and deposits the funds into his address Once the game starts nobody able to join the game until the game finishes and after the winning money is transferred, the game state changes to ready and anybody can join this time.

How it's Made

This project uses hardhat IDE to write,compile,test and debug the project. The project is deployed on the scroll test net Project IDE: Hardhat SmartContract Language: Solidity Test scripts: JavaScript

Sepolia Contract Address: 0x04086887ED74eb41C27889556519c445db5a369C

The contract has been verified as well

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