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NF2U is a bundle of developer tools that helps non specialized builders create and manage simplified NFT’s, using familiar infrastructure like API calls, via a simple and open-source SDK.


Created At


Winner of

🏗 Polygon — Deployed on Polygon

🥉 Coinbase — Built on Coinbase Cloud

🏊‍♂️ Mina — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ Superfluid — Pool Prize

Project Description

The whole idea of this project is to bring NFT usage to the masses by allowing more developers to create and interact with them regularly or even unintentionally. To accomplish this, we embarked in the mission of building an open-source SDK that allows its users to access our pre-defined functions and endpoints. These functions include customizing and creating NFT’s (ERC721’s this time but open to other standards), moving them around, fetching their information, interacting with them (ex. marking them paused) and more (ex. bridge them). To present the user with all these super simplified capabilities we have used and wrapped several related technologies into our product, from libraries to RPC deployers to oracles. If we do a good job, higher-level interfaces could utilize our product to simplify things even more for anyone wanting to leverage the benefits of NFT’s. On top of that, we are providing pre-constructed NFT templates for three types of different users:

  1. Insurance agencies: this template can serve as an insurance policy NFT by having attributes such as “payable”, “expirable”, “claimable” and more. Plus customizable metadata (ex. beneficiary name, type of insurance, deductible amount, etc.
  2. Subscription-based companies: this template can serve as a service subscription NFT by having attributes such as “payable by second (w/Superlfuid)”, “publicly mintable”, “payable in USD equivalence”. Plus customizable metadata (ex. name of the service, membership level, image / logo, etc.)
  3. Organizations looking to issue certificates or collectibles: this template can serve as a certificate NFT by having attributes such as “free to mint”, “non-transferability”, etc. Plus customizable metadata (ex. name of alumni, date of event, image / logo, etc.) End goal is that abstraction from solidity to more common or to higher-level languages helps both savvy and non-experienced web3 developers scale faster their NFT-related jobs and ideas, and bringing them to our daily life as a by-product.

How it's Made

Our SDK revolves around an Express Node.js API that connects to different blockchains - including Polygon, Optimism, Scroll and Mina - using Coinbase Cloud and QuickNode RPC’s, to fetch relevant information or execute transactions requested to it. Aided by pre-deployed 721 contracts, users can invoke our functions with minimal parameters to, for instance, create paid membership NFT collections or to mint a free Diploma NFT. For certain NFT types, we have incorporated SuperFluid analogous payments (allows service providers to issue subscription NFT’s that charge their customers by the second), Mina privacy settings (to hash insurance policies NFT’s personal details) and Chainlink oracles’ ETH/USD price feeds. Because we might encounter web3 untrained users, we also provide capabilities to generate wallets and store their information using a SQL database.

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