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NFT Minting Telegram Bot for Zora Ecosystem

We have created telegram minting bot to make minting process easier for user on Zora, Base and Optimism.

NFT Minting Telegram Bot for Zora Ecosystem

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Project Description

We have created telegram minting bot to make minting process easier for user on Zora, Base and Optimism. User can choose their choice of blockchain and mint NFT. We have made it super easy for artists and collectors to create their digital things on platforms like Zora, Base, and Optimism. It also includes additional features you will get notification whenever a contract is deployed. The Telegram Minting Bot is a user-friendly tool designed to simplify the minting process for digital assets on the Zora, Base, and Optimism platforms. Minting, which involves creating new tokens or NFTs, can sometimes be a complex process for users unfamiliar with blockchain technology. Our bot aims to bridge this gap by providing a seamless and intuitive interface within the familiar Telegram messaging app.

How it's Made

  1. We have used hardhat to deploy contract. The deployed contract address are as follows:

ZoraGoerli - 0x2E61762970Ed685ae91c8aCa27D7E926C67f1662

OptimismGoerli - 0xb5dD8f6770593bC05Dc5B336F809695Ee481c991

BaseGoerli - 0xb5dD8f6770593bC05Dc5B336F809695Ee481c991

  1. node-telegram-bot-api module have been used to interact with telegram api.

  2. node js have been used as backend to run and deploy server.

  3. ether js library is used to interact with blockchain

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