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Node-ETH is a drag 'n drop tool for web3 & defi actions. Build & automate your actions, connect them with the ecosystem of web & IoT integrations and share your solutions with others.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

🔟 Push Protocol — Top 10

Project Description

Node-ETH will help you to setup your own web3 and defi actions and share them with your friends - all highly visual and very simple due to it's easy drag 'n drop interface.

To do so Node-ETH provides you with building blocks that you can easy drag and drop on the cavas to build and automate your own web3 and defi ideas.

Node-ETH is built ontop of Node-RED and utilizes its major functionalities. But Node-ETH extends Node-RED and makes it possible to combine your web3 actions with any kind of smart IoT devices, web2 actions and anything more that Node-RED already offers.

At this moment, Node-ETH supports the following web3 & defi actions:

  • transactions on multiple chains
  • talking to contracts
  • push protocol
  • bridges/swaps (in progress)

The installation package comes with out of the box intergations for

  • Ethereum Mainnet
  • Push Protocol
  • Polygon
  • Optimism

Any other EVM-based chain can be added easily.

Node-ETH aims to make building on web3 more simple, more intuitive, more powerful and ultimately more secure.

Important: Currently there is only a self hosted version of the tool which can run either locally on your machine or on your server. It can be installed as an npm library or as a Docker Image. This ensures that no third party has access to your private keys and you remain in full and exlusive control of your coins and tokens at all times!

How it's Made

We are building atop of NodeRED, an open source boilerplate platform.

NodeRED provides the user with opportunities to extend it with developing various plugins and contributions. We developed one of those contributions, but to make it even easier for user, we augmented it a bit more, making it as visually and logically easier to develop as possible.

Our project is a combination of our open source contributions that are bundled up together and renamed into NodeETH.

Nodes utilize push protocol sdk and ethers.js to perform various kinds of actions. Nodes serve as "UI"s or Views for those sdks.

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