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Noir LSP Doc Symbols

Implemented textDocument/documentSymbol for nargo/noir LSP in the main noir repo's LSP crate

Noir LSP Doc Symbols

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

👩‍💻 Aztec — Best Dev Tool

Project Description

This project implements the textDocument/documentSymbol request implementation. It provides all the symbols in provided source file. The project uses noirc_frontend's parser to parse the source files and return document symbols. This is used in vscode to provide the outline part of the code.

How it's Made

It implements and serves a new request type textDocument/documentSymbols for the noir LSP. It extracts source's document symbols by using the noirc_frontend's parser to parse and return symbols in a given document.

This is used in vscode to provide the outline part of the code. It even allows to jump on the given symbols directly. But I am yet to return the ranges, it should be a simple byte offset to line/col conversion.

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