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Nomis is an identity protocol that enables users to leverage their on-chain reputation and get personalized Web3 experiences


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description


  • We’re building an identity protocol to provide BUIDLers with a scoring infrastructure to help them offer custom terms, rates and powers to end users. We enable web3 developers to better attract and engage target users from the top L1s and L2s.
  • Our secret sauce is our unique 15-year expertise in building scoring models for business. Our scoring models have proven their effectiveness and robustness in the financial, education, and HR industries.

What it does

Nomis is valuable tooling (Scoring infrastructure) for BUIDLers.

  • Nomis API could help web3 developers to provide end users with personalized experiences (special terms, rates and powers within a product or service) based on users' wallet data.
  • Developers will also get access to wallet identity data from the top 20+ L1s and L2s to target and onboard power users on any blockchain we support. Imagine that, for example, Polygon BUIDLers will be able to offer personalized experiences to the Ethereum, Mantle or Solana power wallets and users behind those wallets.

End users, in their turn, will finally get an opportunity to build, manage and leverage their on-chain reputation.

What we've done during the hackathon

  • Developed credit score MVP for Gnosis wallets and API for Gnosis developers;
  • Developed credit score MVP for Scroll wallets and API for Scroll developers;
  • Developed credit score MVP for Optimism wallets and API for Optimism developers;
  • Improved UX of credit score MVP for Polygon wallets: added the Token Balance and Swap features;
  • Developed credit score MVP for zkSync wallets and API for zkSync developers;
  • Developed credit score MVP for Taiko wallets and API for Taiko developers;
  • Developed credit score MVP for Mantle wallets and API for Mantle developers;
  • Built and deployed multiple SubGraphs that index data from smart contracts to query blockchain data to Nomis.

How it's Made

  1. We constructed variables, based on the data extracted, which can be received via Nomis API.
  2. We hired our mathematical model to develop Nomis (credit) Score based on the constructed variables.
  3. Our solution is based on the .NET 6 platform and the ASP Net Core framework. We used the Docker toolset to build and deploy the solution. To build, run the command below: docker build -f src/Common/Nomis.Web.Server.Common/Dockerfile -t nomis-web-api . docker -dp 80:80 nomis-web-api
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