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Nomis is a multichain identity and reputation protocol that leverages users' onchain activity data and ML-powered mathematical modeling technologies to help users build, manage and leverage their onchain reputation.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Nomis is a multichain identity and reputation protocol that leverages users' onchain activity and ML-powered mathematical modeling technologies to assign reputation scores to their wallets. These scores range from 0 to 100, where below 20 means a wallet with insufficient onchain activity, and 100 represents a true degen. Our goal is to help

  • users in building, managing, and leveraging their onchain reputation,
  • web3 projects utilize wallet reputation data for faster growth.

Nomis Protocol, grant-funded and trusted by Solana, AAVE, Polygon, zkSync, LayerZero, Galxe, and many other cutting-edge projects, builds the infrastructure for web3 personalization, enabling users to unlock personalized experiences and rewards, and web3 leaders to make wallet reputation-driven decisions:

  • Launch web3-native marketing campaigns, loyalty and educational programs Architect quests and loyalty initiatives rooted in users' onchain engagement with your project and the ecosystems you play on, dispensing rewards such as tokens, NFTs, and educational content to nurture enduring community involvement.
  • Distribute incentives and airdrops ROI-efficiently and fairly by using a Nomis Score as an eligibility criteria or multiplier for your incentive or airdrop.
  • Incentivize onchain power users to get onboarded and engage with your product by providing wallet reputation-based incentives such as discounts, cashbacks, gated experiences, etc.
  • Enhance the onboarding experience If your web3 vertical's status quo is asking your users to do KYC/AML and it's resulting in awful UX and poor user activation rate, use Nomis Scores to help onchain power users become your loyal adopters by providing them with an alternative smoother onboarding experience.

As a result of the Hack, we've built a Scroll Reputation Scorer that allows Scroll users to (1) assess the onchain reputation of their wallets based on their activity within Scroll and its ecosystem projects, (2) get human-readable insights about their wallets' activity within the ecosystem. But the real essence of the Scorer is to help developers highlight, attract, onboard and engage with their target audience behind their wallets.

How it's Made

  1. We hired the explorer's API to get wallet, transaction, and NFT movement data.
  2. We constructed variables, based on the data extracted, which can be received via Nomis API.
  3. Finally, we hired our mathematical model to develop Nomis Score based on the constructed variables. The mathematical model using the method of hierarchy analysis and pairwise comparisons is used to calculate the reputation score of a wallet based on its digital footprint within the Scroll ecosystem. This method is chosen due to the lack of statistical data and is effective for solving multi-criteria problems. The calculated rating reflects how closely the wallet matches the ideal wallet profile (TRUE SCROLL DEGEN!).

Our solution is based on the .NET 6 platform and the ASP Net Core framework. We used the Docker toolset to build and deploy the solution.

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