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Not Your Jewels is a DeFi project based on trusting in students who are one of the most untrusted people in the traditional finance system. This project offers microloans for students for study expenses.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2024

Project Description

NotYourJewels is my way of flipping the script on student finance. Back when I was hitting the books, banks wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole. So, what did I do? I hit up pawnshops, pawned off my precious jewels, and crossed my fingers I'd get 'em back someday. Now, fast forward a bit, and here I am, paying it forward. NotYourJewels is all about trust, opportunity, and sticking it to the old financial system. We're bringing microloans straight to students' doorsteps, no credit checks or red tape required.

With blockchain magic and smart contracts, we're making sure students like you can snag a loan with a simple click. Plus, our interest rates? They're set at a cool 5% a month, so you know what you're getting into. Bottom line? NotYourJewels is here to give students a fair shot at chasing their dreams, minus the headache of traditional lending. So, go ahead, fund that study sesh or snag those textbooks—your jewels are safe with us

How it's Made

My journey began by establishing the foundation using Solidity, the preeminent language for developing smart contracts. Leveraging Solidity empowered me to construct the core infrastructure of this lending platform. Probably in the future I will continue working with this project, integrating in with protocols like Neon EVM for seamless interoperability between Ethereum and Solana blockchains. This allowed us to offer microtransactions with low fees, making it easy for students to borrow and lenders to fund loans. But that's not all—I also want to integrate into Witness Protocol to ensure on-chain verifiability and composable proofs, adding an extra layer of security and trust to our platform. Plus, with Powerloom Protocol, I could validate students' solvency based on academic records and income data, giving lenders peace of mind.

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