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Verified web3 announcements, bridging trust across blockchains.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

Nounce is a decentralized platform for broadcasting verified announcements in the world of web3, ensuring genuine and authenticated communication.

  • Announcement Contracts: Core system for emitting verified announcements.
  • ERC-165 Standardization: Uniform identification across the platform for easy integration.
  • Meta-data Flexibility: Future-proof diverse meta-data types and protocols based on types.
  • Decentralized Registry: Multi-chain registry system on a low-cost chain.

How it's Made

The project is introducing an innovative solution: a standardized "Announcement" protocol designed in Solidity. This standard aligns seamlessly with the framework and supports a diverse range of information including news and events. For effective implementation, it integrates with ERC standards, specifically ERC-165 and 1820.

To track and manage these announcements, a "registryRelayer" is deployed on every EVM chain, linking back to a primary, low-fee chain registry to ensure user-friendly access. Users can toeither listen to these announcements directly or display them across a multitude of platforms (if it becomes a standard), ranging from marketplaces and chain explorers to apps like Zerion.

Kickstarted with Scaffold-ETH. Contract dev: Foundry App: NextJS, RainbowKit, Wagmi, and Typescript Frontend design: Tailwind / DaisyUI Assets design: Sketch App

Storage: Filecoin Multi-chain messaging: Wormhole Markdown editor: mdxeditor

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