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ÖdülGit is a on-chain bounty platform that seamlessly integrates with GitHub to motivate the developer community to resolve issues


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

WalletConnect - Innovation Pool Prize

Prize Pool

IPFS & Filecoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Arbitrum - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

OdulGit is an on-chain dev-centric tool designed for developers. There’re 3 key elements of it:

  1. Bounty as the incentive for developer community. Anyone on GitHub could list the issue with reward.

  2. As every issues is awarded, the real contributors could be engaged more precisely by the project owner. (of course, in that way, we believe the sybil attack could be mitigated.

  3. The pull request is verified and voted by DAO, a group of code owners / contributors, to facilitate the pull request reviewing process and make it more objective and transparent

How it's Made

  1. Problem Statement
  • Bounty as the incentive for developer community.
  • Code owners/contributors as a DAO to verify pull request.
  • Precise engagement with those who contribute to the community between Web2 and Web3.
  1. Solution
  • Verify SHA1 commit on-chain, can avoid spam commits
  • Use IPFS and Filecoin store git codebase
  • Use WalletConnect connect CLI tool and developer source version control platform

3.Build & Installation

OdulGit is a monorepo managed using turbo. You can find the source code for each package in the apps and packages directory.

  • apps/odul is the CLI tool built from yargs.
  • apps/web is the web frontend. It is built using Next.js and ui.shadcn.
  • packages/git-contract solidity contract verify commit (core: DAO, Bounty, Git)
  • Git: init, push, merge, verify commit
  • Bounty: give bounty and set issues
  • DAO: make contributors review codebase
  • packages/storage-helper ipfs and filecoin environment. Provide filecoin deal contract and upload on lotus function.
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