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OmniAccounts are omnichain ERC-6551 token bound accounts | Powered by LayerZero


Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Project Description

OmniAccounts are Omnichain ERC-6551 token bound accounts powered by LayerZero. With OmniAccounts, you can create, connect and manage your NFT wallets seamlessly.

Potential use cases are

  • Protocols can airdrop directly to an NFT's token bound account.
  • With ERC-6551, NFTs are now programmable on-chain identities. They can own assets and take action.

How it's Made

OmniAccounts use LayerZero ONFT to make NFTs multichain.
We are using ERC6551 token bound contracts and tokenbound SDK for executing transactions with NFT wallets on chain. The frontend includes functionalities like minting NFT wallet, bridging it to other chains, connecting NFT wallet to other dapps and transferring ETH to other NFT wallets.

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