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Omnible is an omnichain NFT studio for creating, managing, and trading NFTs across different networks from a single collection, providing interoperability, unity, and simplicity.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

Omnible is an omnichain NFT studio that offers a comprehensive solution for creating, managing, and trading NFTs across multiple networks from a single collection. Omnible provides users with unparalleled flexibility, access to new markets and liquidity pools, and full ownership and control over their assets.

At the core of Omnible are two main contracts - Omnible Market and Omnible Factory. The Omnible Market allows users to buy and sell tokens, while the Omnible Factory is used for creating omnichain NFT contracts. These root contracts are connected to branch contracts on different EVM chains via messengers, enabling users to easily create new contracts or list NFT items on any chain. This provides a unique opportunity for users to expand their reach and access new markets while maintaining full control over their assets.

Omnible addresses several key challenges facing the NFT ecosystem. These include interperuhbility, fragmentation, complexity, and sovereignty. Interoperability is achieved by enabling the easy transfer of NFTs across different chains, creating a more connected NFT ecosystem. Fragmentation is addressed by unifying NFTs from different chains, providing users with a single point of access. Complexity is simplified by streamlining the process of bridging NFTs across chains. Sovereignty is ensured by enabling users and creators to maintain ownership and control over their NFT assets on all chains.

Using Omnible is easy and straightforward. Users can create a new collection by clicking on 'New' and following the prompts to create an omnichain NFT collection. They can specify the name, symbol, and the number of NFTs that can exist in the collection. They can also select the chains where the NFTs will be initially deployed, and the price for the NFTs. Once the collection is deployed, a market for the collection is created automatically, allowing users to mint, sell, and check their tokens.

Omnible also offers cross-chain minting, enabling users to mint NFTs on one chain and transfer them to another chain seamlessly. This is achieved through the use of messengers that facilitate the transfer of assets across different chains. Users can also easily list their tokens on the market and buy tokens from other users.

Overall, Omnible offers an innovative and comprehensive solution for creating, managing, and trading NFTs across different networks from a single collection. Its focus on interoperability, fragmentation, simplicity, and sovereignty make it an ideal platform for NFT creators and collectors looking to expand their reach and access new markets.

How it's Made

Omnible is built using a combination of technologies, including Polygon, Avalanche, Gnosis, the MERN stack, and Solidity smart contracts. The relayers and messenger are connected to the root contract using a Layer Zero relayer, and the factory template is created in Solidity. Centralized data is stored using the MERN stack. The unique aspect of Omnible is the use of relayers to transfer cross-chain messages, enabling interoperability between different chains.

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