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Omnichain Neon NFT

Was trying to mint a crosschain project on Neon NFT but unable to complete due to issues with utilizing the devnet for Neon.

Omnichain Neon NFT

Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Project Description

Was intending to create a simple front end using next.js and write a similar contract to ProxyNFTs where if users burn NFTs on one EVM compatible exchange it would show up in NEON.

Was then planning to bridge this using a custom hyperlane bridge. However encountered issues with the NEON chain making this difficult to finish in time.

How it's Made

Was intending to create a simple front end using next.js and write a similar contract to ProxyNFTs where if users burn NFTs on one EVM compatible exchange it would show up in NEON.

Was then planning to bridge this using a custom hyperlane bridge. However encountered issues with the NEON chain making this difficult to finish in time.

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