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On-chain messaging aggregator

Aggregate all web3 messaging app into S3nd! 🌐 Your one-stop hub for all Web3 messaging apps. Easy single sign-on, Human verification with Worldcoin ✔️ , & native on-chain messaging support. No bots, only genuine convos!

On-chain messaging aggregator

Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Winner of

🥇 Worldcoin — Best Overall

🥉 Mask Network — Best Use of RelationService

🏃 Airstack — Runner Up

🏆 ETHGlobal Paris 2023 Finalist

Project Description

Say hello to S3nd, your new hub for all things blockchain communication! 💬

We're bundling :

  • Native on-chain messaging
  • Debank Hi,
  • Blockscan,
  • Push Protocol,
  • XMTP and more into one mega-app! 🤝

Tired of juggling multiple logins ? No more! With S3nd, you get easy access to all platforms with a single sign-on! One-time login, infinite possibilities!

Scared of bots? 🤖 Don't fret! We're adding a layer of trust using Worldcoin, Sismo 🌐. Earn a badge "Verified" and show the world you're a genuine human, not a pesky spam bot! Filter out the noise and enjoy meaningful conversations .

Love native on-chain messaging transactions? 💰 We've got that covered! Pay and add transaction data right from the interface.

You can even meet a POAP-friend that share same POAP.

How it's Made

We started by integrating XMTP, Push and native on chain messages on our app. The aggregation is made so that every action can be made on every protocol: send & get messages. All of that can be done simultaneously in one click.

Worldcoin SDK has been used to certify users. The reputation layer is made possible by using this verification. Users can filter messages to only see the ones from verified users.

Airstack has been used to recommend users that are compatible with your profile. When creating new conversations, we'll suggest multiple Ethereum addresses that you might be interested to talk with.

The biggest challenge was the aggregation of all the protocols to have a unified data stream that can be used for each protocol and each actions.

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