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One stop platform for investments in multiple chains built with OpLink, a custom L2 solution


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

🥇 Hyperlane — Best use of Permissionless Interoperability

Project Description

This project aims to build an L2 solution, that has all the features Defi platforms want. Thus we built OPLink, a custom L2-based solution made with OpStack. It has all the features of oracles integrated into the Optimism chain itself so no need to rely on third-party oracle networks. Also, if you want to do cross-chain transactions over in OpLink, we support it to Taiko and Scroll using Hyperlane Protocol. CryptoCase is one of the use cases where the smart contract searches for chains with the lowest gas fees and lowest price impact on the Dex and then takes the trade on the selected chain. One more is Algo-Fi, using which you can do algorithmic trading on-chain by using the automation and the price feed feature of OpLink.

How it's Made

This project is made using a trio of 3 different blockchains namely OpLink, Taiko, and Scroll. OpLink is made using OpStack provided by Optimism. In OpLink, we have integrated oracles-like features using which smart contracts can do a lot without relying on a third-party oracle network. Using Hyperlane, we have interconnected OpLink, Taiko, and Scroll. Hyperlane was not deployed into Scroll and Taiko, so we had to manually deploy it. You can check all of these in our given repo.

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