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Pay per view protocol and frontend for IPFS and FIlecoin files


Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

Our project aims to create a Pay-Per-View (PPV) system on Filecoin. We have deployed a smart contract on the Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) that offers two main functionalities.

First, users can upload files to IPFS, ensuring their privacy. Each file is assigned a price in FIL, the native cryptocurrency of Filecoin. This determines the amount users must pay to access the information.

Second, when a user wants to access the data, our smart contract verifies their wallet address for permission. If the address does not have access rights, the user is redirected to a payment form. They can enter the required FIL amount, and upon successful payment, they gain access to the requested Content Identifier (CID).

By providing a PPV system on Filecoin, we enable the monetization of private data while ensuring enhanced security and privacy. The integration of direct payment mechanisms simplifies the transaction process for content creators and data providers.

Our project presents exciting opportunities for content creators to generate revenue and data providers to control access to their valuable information. With further development and implementation, we anticipate a significant impact in the realm of content monetization and data privacy.

How it's Made

Filecoin: We leveraged Filecoin as a decentralized storage platform to host users' private files. Filecoin utilizes a Proof of Spacetime mechanism to ensure reliable and secure storage.

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System): We integrated IPFS to enable file uploading and storage for users. IPFS is a peer-to-peer content distribution system that ensures file resilience and availability.

Smart Contracts and Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM): We developed a smart contract on the Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) to handle the payment and file access functionalities. It utilizes the Filecoin-specific programming language to interact with the blockchain.

Ethereum: While our project is primarily based on Filecoin, we utilized Ethereum to manage FIL payment transactions. Ethereum is a popular blockchain platform that offers smart contract capabilities and tokenization.

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