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OPCraft 2: Community blocks

Adding user-specified images on to OPCraft, a voxel-based game built on MUD

OPCraft 2: Community blocks

Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

OPCraft is a Minecraft-like game built on the Optimism chain. The game was built with a fixed number of blocks. Our project aims to extend this set of blocks and encourage communal participation of the game by allowing members to create new blocks and add custom images to the blocks.

In the screeshots, sand is a block added by players, not the game developer. But it auto shows up in the client!

How it's Made

This project was built off a fork of OPCraft, which is a MInecraft-like game built on Optimism. The entire project was built ontop of the MUD2 framework ( IPFS (w was used to store the images. The solution is hacky but extendible in that anyone can add their own texture after the core world is deployed.

background image mobile

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