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Open Gate

Open Gate revolutionizes DAOs by providing a tailored solution for permissioned access

Open Gate

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

WalletConnect - Innovation Pool Prize

Prize Pool

IPFS & Filecoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

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Chainlink - Chainlink Functions Runner-up

Project Description

Open Gate revolutionizes the landscape of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) by offering a tailored solution for permissioned access. Leveraging Proof of Contribution, it fosters a seamless, inclusive environment for token-gated communities. Our mission is to seamlessly bridge the divide between open-source contributions and equitable reward systems, catalyzing an engaged, diverse ecosystem.

Challenges Addressed Accessibility in Token-Gated DAOs:

Issue: Token-gated access in DAOs often excludes underrepresented communities and can be financially prohibitive for many developers. Impact: This affects diversity and inclusivity, creating barriers to entry for a significant portion of potential contributors. Incentivization in Open-Source Communities:

Issue: A prevalent lack of tangible rewards and recognition in open-source projects leads to diminished motivation for contributors. Impact: This deficit in incentives results in slower project progression, reduced innovation, and challenges in maintaining a consistent contributor base. Community Engagement in DAOs:

Issue: Many DAOs struggle to foster active, engaged communities, partly due to limited interaction channels and a lack of shared goals or rewards. Impact: Weak community engagement can lead to a decline in collective decision-making, reduced innovation, and a lower sense of belonging among members.

How it's Made

User Journey For Contributors Seamless Integration: Login with GitHub, connect your crypto wallet, and establish a unique developer account on the blockchain using the GitHub username. Contribute and Engage: Apply your skills to contribute to selected open-source projects, automatically linked to the user profile. Reward Mechanism: After successful pull request acceptance: Utilize a specialized Chainlink function to verify merged PRs. Earn tokens for each contribution. Promptly claim your rewards post-verification. The more contributions you make, the more tokens you receive, the greater your voting power, and the more benefits you enjoy.

For Project Owners Effortless Setup: Sign in using GitHub, link your crypto wallet, and create an organization account on the blockchain with your GitHub identity. Project Management and Bounty Allocation: Add project repositories and define bounties for issue resolution, with a secure fund blocking mechanism for maintainers' rewards. Benefits Enhanced Project Visibility and Attraction of Talent: By listing projects on Open Gate, creators can gain increased visibility in the developer community. This can attract talented contributors who are incentivized to contribute due to the token-based reward system.

Quality Contributions and Faster Development: With the token-based reward system, contributors are motivated to provide high-quality work. This can lead to faster development cycles and more robust code contributions.

Community Building and Governance: Creators can build a dedicated community around their project. Contributors who earn tokens gain voting power, allowing them to participate in key project decisions, thereby creating a sense of ownership and community.

Bounty-Based Issue Resolution: Creators can set specific bounties for urgent or critical issues, ensuring these get prioritized and resolved quickly by capable contributors.

Automated Reward Distribution: The platform automates the process of rewarding contributors, reducing administrative overhead for project creators.

Token Economy Integration: Creators can integrate their project into a broader token economy, potentially increasing the utility and value of the tokens earned by contributors.

Feedback Loop and Continuous Improvement: With active contributor engagement, project owners receive continuous feedback, leading to iterative improvement and innovation in their projects.

Diverse Contributor Pool: Access to a global pool of contributors brings diverse perspectives and skill sets to the project, enhancing creativity and problem-solving.

Sustainability and Long-term Growth: The token-based incentive model can help sustain long-term project growth and development, as contributors are incentivized to stay engaged over time.

Network Building: Creators can build a network with other project owners and contributors, leading to potential collaborations and partnerships.

Core Features Modular Integration: Effortlessly integrate with any DAO structure. Instant Payments: Reward contributors swiftly and securely. Trustless Connections: Establish secure, reliable blockchain interactions. Multi-Chain Support: Flexibility across different blockchain platforms. Tailored DAO Journeys: Customizable paths for different DAO models.

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