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Openions is a decentralized proof of personhood platform that allows people to reveal their real ideas with the power of anonymity.


Created At

ETHGlobal Lisbon

Winner of

🏊 Worldcoin — Pool Prize

Project Description

Description: "There is only one reality and infinite truths against it." Said Thrasymachus of Chalcedon. Today, Social media, democratic platforms, and every environment with "election" are places where thousands of truths emerge, but no reality can be reached. Openions is an entirely decentralized proof of personhood platform, allowing people to reveal their real ideas with the power of anonymity. There is no longer a central social media that can read the choices you make, and there is no authority to judge you because of your identity. There is an environment where you can speak your mind without hesitation or fear. Moreover, with proof of personhood, we also ensure that bots, spam, fakes, and scams don't manipulate your real opinion. We are fulfilling Thrasymachus' dream and achieving the "only one reality" with people expressing their real ideas.

How it's Made

We started our hackathon journey by asking how we can use ZK in a way that is not used already? ZK is becoming more and more famous each passing day, and right now it is quite common to see projects working on ZK. Going through different ideas, we came up with, which is about community opinion, rather than a single identity. Once we came up with our vision, it was quite clear that WorldCoin is the API that we should use, as it provides total anonymity, as well as proof-of-personhood. For our case, proving that you are an actual human is vital, and our project wouldn’t make too much sense without it. Writing a contract using WorldCoin was challenging. We had to convert given WorldCoin credentials and use them effectively on the Ethereum chain. Yet, the hardest part of our challenge was actually to connect our contract with the frontend, as currently there are not too many working full-stack examples on WorldCoin. Still, we were able to create a UI interface to actually connect to an application through the WorldCoin mobile application, send a transaction through a MetaMask wallet and create a poll after you prove that you are a human-being. We have an almost-complete UI for voting as well, but not yet connected to the contract, as creating a complete UI for an application may be very time consuming.

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