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A public good marketplace contracts with full onchain data to trade NFTs without platform fees nor API key


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Project Description

This project enables NFT projects to run their own marketplaces using public good smart contracts. The OpenMarket project addresses current issues in the NFT market, including the recent zero-royalties battles, the difficulty of accessing off-chain order books, controlled by existing NFT marketplaces, and the lack of distribution channels. The solution offered by OpenMarket includes an online marketplace contract, public good features with no fees or administrators, and a fully on-chain order book. The smart contracts are designed to operate marketplaces with full on-chain data to enable NFT trading without platform fees or the need for an API key. To showcase the potential use by an NFT collection, we used images forked from the NounsDAO NFT collection. OpenMarket smart contracts are deployed on Linea Goerli testnet. The Nouns OpenMarket smart contract address on Linea Goerli: 0xfB27451439336cf06B719a6117BF492D245a920a We created a landing page and used embeddable widgets to represents two trading sides: 1) A seller, who wants to sell their NFT, 2) A buyer, who can purchase any NFT from a single collection that is currently on sale. OpenMarket is already more gas efficient than common marketplaces due to its simplicity for buying assets: Less than 100k gas! We plan to add the ability to register orders on L2 chains, to buy items for collections on mainnet, reducing the listing fees in the future. We also plan to add a way to retrieve collection metadata from IPFS, to enable users search by traits, etc.

How it's Made

Contracts are written in Solidity. We used Foundry to test and build the contracts... Saved us time and it's much nicer to test in Solidity rather than js. We used to deploy the contracts and save metadata at the same time, which rapidly provided us a Contract View. We also used okcontract to generate the UI components that we embedded in a site. After the hackathon, we'll update to a static web app that we will pin on IPFS.

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