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OpenQ VidQ

A platform for short bite-sized dev tutorials that people can stream on-demand (using Pinata) and interact socially using Lens.

OpenQ VidQ

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

This project intends to be a niche - own-your-content - decentralized video-hosting service with social interactions using Lens. The idea is to incentivize devs who solve specific open-source issues via GitHub (ideally also get paid for it, e.g. using platforms such as ours: ) to create and share targeted and easy-to-discover content on how they solved these actual issues/earned money as a dev. It would help devs who want to build an audience and do tutorials to build reputation related to actual contributions and $$ earned. On the other end, junior / intermediate level devs could be able to better self-evaluate and see what's expected at a certain level.

How it's Made

First an honesty disclaimer: this project was a team effort (all members of the team are registered as EthOnline participants) and completely built from Friday 16th to Sunday 18th of September at EthBerlin3 - and submitted there. We have won 2 small prizes (Pinata/Lens), and wanted to develop further for EthOnline but faced time restraints due to work deadlines.

We started with a next.js boilerplate, and directly dived into the decentralized video-hosting service, using Pinata. We did intend to try / use LivePeer but lacked the time. Pinata was surprisingly easy to implement for the video upload using IPFS, but we also got impressed by a very new feature their team communicated to us and we implemented - on-demand streaming. In parallel, we worked on the first steps to add Lens to our platform - we did find that the restriction to users there would add an extra layer of challenge if we want this platform to go to prod, but had an idea to gather submissions / data on our end and bulk submit them to Lens regularly.

We faced challenges with Pinata SDK only on server side & HLS Streaming

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