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Decentralized & open social media website which integrates zklogin and decentralized storage using filecoin and using witness protocol for timestamping of data.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2024

Project Description

Using google oauth2 to receive access token and veryfying it on backend using risc0 zkevm and linking it with ethereum address. This is the authentication part of the social media app which is in progress. We wanted to link the on chain identity in some way to existing web2 ids such as google and that too in privacy preserving way.

How it's Made

Using google oauth2 to receive access token and veryfying it on backend using risc0 zkevm and linking it with ethereum address. This is the authentication part of the social media app which is in progress. We wanted to link the on chain identity in some way to existing web2 ids such as google and that too in privacy preserving way.

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