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Multi-signature workspace for BuildLers to collaborate effectively on projects, and fairly distribute prizes/revenue


Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

Imagine working on a project for a hackathon with strangers!

Orion Sync provides a workspace where you all come together to discuss your project, share ideas, and make important decisions.

During these meetings, one of the key topics is how the prizes or winnings should be divided among team members based on their contributions to the project.

To make this process fair and transparent, OrionSync allows teams to reach a consensus (percentage allocation for each team member)

Hosting a built-in wallet that facilitates fund splitting among contributors and a video communication layer powered by Huddle01 and Polybase, OrionSync establishes a secure and transparent environment for new and existing teams to collaborate on projects with trust.

Recording and other proof of history are securely stored on Filecoin using lighthouse storage, and event notifications are facilitated from both smart contract and web-client using PUSH protocol.

How it's Made

OrionSync solidity smart contract used to govern wallet deployment and distribution of funds is written with solidity, deployed on both Goerli testnet and the filecoin Calibrationet

The video and chat communication layer for meetings is powered by Huddle01 and Polybase respectively, while after-recordings are uploaded to Filecoin via lighthouse storage. Event changes on smart-contract and web-client are facilitated using PUSH protocol.

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