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Ousia is a voting system where your money has no more power than your vote, so everyone is treated fairly when it comes to making important decisions


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Project Description

To balance the two aspects (individual voice and monetary power) in your DAO we use this formula.

  1. Individual vote: Each user, after verifying their identity and linking their WorldCoin account to their web3 address, has a single vote. No matter how many tokens or shares he holds in the DAO, his vote always counts as one. This ensures that every user has a say, no matter how wealthy they are.

  2. Currency Power: Additionally, the number of tokens or shares a user holds in the DAO could also influence the vote. For example, a user with more tokens might have a "heavier" voice when voting.

How it's Made

Final score = (Number of votes * Weighting of votes) + (Money power * Weighting of money power)

Final score = (0.5 * Number of votes) + (0.5 * Monetary power)

With the use of Worldcoin, Aragon and sismo

To balance these two factors, your DAO could use a formula or algorithm that takes into account both the individual vote and the monetary power of each user when counting votes. This could be done by giving a certain proportion of the total voting weight to individual voting (eg, 50%) and the other proportion (the remaining 50%) to monetary power.

This means that when a vote is cast, 50% of its weight comes from the fact that it is a unique individual voting (regardless of how many tokens they have), and the other 50% comes from the number of tokens that individual has.

This system is a form of weighted democracy that aims to balance power between individuals and capital. It is designed to prevent potential abuses where a minority of wealthy users could dominate the vote, while recognizing that those who have invested more capital in the DAO should have some influence.

However, this is a delicate balance to achieve and it is important to remember that no system is perfect. It will likely be necessary to make adjustments over time to address any issues that may arise.

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