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A simple social media game where users rate each other. This creates an underlying public reputation database that can be used by other apps.


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

The main motive of this project is to create a public reputation database that can be used by other apps. The protocol needs to be resistant to Sybil-attack and bribery.

This is achieved by a simple and interesting game. The participants in the game are gated by a central entity, such as a university, hackers, corporation, etc. Once users register in the network, they are regularly air-dropped tokens. These tokens can be transferred to other users whom the sender feels nice about. The sender cannot send the token to themselves. These tokens represent reputation. To prevent bribery, the reputation of a user exponentially decays with a half-life of 1 week. Thus, if Alice receives 100 tokens today and 100 after 1 week, her total reputation will be 50+100 = 150. This prevents bribery since in order to maintain a high reputation, a malicious user needs to continuously lose money. In equilibrium, the marginal rate of decay equals the expected reputation earned by a user. These reputation scores build a public database to be used by third-party apps.

How it's Made

The project uses Django backend (DRF), QuickNode RPC API, and solidity for developing smart contracts. Within smart contracts, the reputation is stored as a tuple consisting of the latest reputation and the corresponding block number. At any future instance, the past reputation is multiplied with 2^{-delta} where delta is the time elapsed in the number of weeks. This calculation is done using ABDK Math Quad library. The contracts are deployed on Sepolia Testnet. Django backend serves as a persistence layer for social media messages and registered users and this can be modified for different applications being built on top of the public reputation database.

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