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Ozone Finance

Ozone Protocol: A decentralized aggregation layer for cross-chain liquidity using FROST. Features AI-enhanced DeFi experiences and a complete darkpool based on FHE, TEE, and SGX. Trustless, private, and limitless blockchain interoperability for the future of DeFi

Ozone Finance

Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Winner of

Hedera - EVM Starter Bounty

Project Description

Ozone: A Comprehensive Solution for Blockchain Interoperability and Security

Core Concept: Ozone is a pioneering platform that addresses two critical challenges in the blockchain ecosystem: security and cross-chain user experience. It serves as a unified solution, tackling these issues simultaneously.

Chain Abstraction Service: At its core, Ozone functions as a chain abstraction service. This means it provides a layer that allows seamless interaction between different blockchain networks, abstracting away the complexities of individual chains for the end-user.

Decentralized SMPC Network: The platform is built on a decentralized Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) network. This network consists of nodes capable of performing Schnorr signatures on Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible chains and other blockchain networks.

FROST Implementation: Ozone utilizes a specific SMPC algorithm called FROST (Flexible Round-Optimized Schnorr Threshold Signatures). This threshold signature technique enhances security and efficiency in the decentralized signing process.

Bitcoin Bridging Solution: As a proof of concept and initial application, Ozone has developed a Bitcoin bridging solution. This allows for the bridging of native Bitcoin to ten different blockchain networks, creating numerous trading pairs and enhancing liquidity across chains.

AI-Enhanced User Experience: Ozone incorporates an AI feature called Natty. This AI bot serves as a guide and teacher for users throughout their cross-chain journey. Natty provides insights, news, and even assists in building orders, making the complex world of cross-chain interactions more accessible to users.

Dark Pool Implementation: A key focus of Ozone is the development of a dark pool based on chain abstraction. This feature utilizes advanced technologies such as: TEE , FHE and SGX The purpose of this dark pool is to eliminate order manipulation, front-running, and Miner Extractable Value (MEV) extraction by node operators. This ensures a fair and secure trading environment, particularly for large trades that could otherwise significantly impact the market.

How it's Made

Front-end Components:

Dashboard swap interface Wallet connection for source and destination chains Order initiation interface Back-end Services:

a. Order Book Service:

Validates incoming orders Generates and returns deposit addresses for users

b. Watcher Service:

Monitors for new orders and fund deposits Notifies nodes to begin FROST process

c. Coordinator Service:

Communicates with Ozoners (nodes) using Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) Performs FROST signature aggregation Completes orders and notifies the front-end

d. Ozoners (Nodes):

Run in Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) using Intel SGX Perform order validation Execute Schnorr signatures as part of the FROST process Key Technologies:

FROST (Flexible Round-Optimized Schnorr Threshold Signatures) Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) for secure communication Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) with Intel SGX for secure node operations Schnorr signatures for cryptographic signing

Process Flow:

User initiates order through the front-end Order Book validates and returns deposit address User sends funds (triggered via MetaMask) Watcher service detects deposit and triggers FROST process Ozoners validate and sign the transaction Coordinator aggregates signatures and completes the order User is notified of completion

AI feature is totally based on Gpt 4o I tried working with bert but didnt work out

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