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a p2pNFT protocol that help people mint mutually soul-bound NFTs together when all attendees aggree


Created At


Winner of

🔟 Optimism — Top 10 Deployed

🏗 Polygon — Deployed on Polygon

✨ Coinbase — Built on Coinbase Cloud

Project Description


Using ERC-1155 as a social footprint to represent interaction among a small set of addresses. When all participant agrees on such action, and provide the signatures; A mint can be initialised. Once minted, these tokens would be burnable, but not transferable.


Social interaction is full of friction without any review or trust system. It takes time for us to feel safe to strangers and new ideas. While centralised platforms like Linkedin, Facebook or Airbnb provide useful feedback, they are opaque, prone to censorship or fraud.

Being a popular and reputable figure on social media like Twitter, Instagram, is also not a reliable model, since the business model of social media tolerate buying up followers, and there is little way for normal users to distinguish how the validity of a person from their number of followers, no doubt these platform has been increasingly less reputable and more commercial.

With Ethereum, and public blockchain in general, it opens up the composability layer of human interaction and trust. When we interacted with another individual in a meaningful way, some sort of familiarity and trust is created such that later on it becomes easier for us to interact with the same person or even his/her friends. This is a non-trivial property of social interaction and how we build trust towards people around us. Currently, many of such meaningful interactions faded in the course of time because those meaningful interactions have no better way to be represented other than a twitter follow, or a telegram “Hi”.

We believe NFT can be a medium of trust and social memory. It can also be a proof of work /& review for people who actually put in the work in any social occasions, be it a business meeting, party, hackathon, investment pitch etc. This p2p NFT protocol would be a way to document social footprints and extend the impact of our social cycles.

How it's Made

Soulbound token smart contract on Optimism and Polygon testnet; with metadata stored in IPFS using NFT.Storage. All participants can mint a unique NFT that ONLY they possess given they all sign the metadata.

Before creating a "mint tx", all participants would have to sign a message that include a messageHash plus all of the participants' addresses. Then this token would be initialised and can only be minted by this group of people. The token is non-transferrable.

The signature of the messageHash represent a proof of information that is open to any standard.

It can be a standard ERC1155 metadata that has a description and picture to represent a social interaction. It can really be anything that relevant parties define.

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