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Paedia is a community driven web3 education platform. We incentivise learning and the upload of quality content by rewarding our learners with tokens for each course completed, and rewarding the content creators with tokens.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

✨ Worldcoin — Honorable mention

Project Description

Paedia is a web-based, community-driven educational platform. With token rewards for each course successfully finished and token payments to content providers, we encourage learning and the submission of high-quality material. As a result, both content creators and consumers are always motivated to produce more high-quality material. As the platform expands, the community will use our token, PCC, which also serves as a governance token, to make more significant decisions.

How it's Made

I thought deeply about how cool the innovation in the web3 space, but how few the people around me that would truly understand it were. Then it hit me, the web3 space being more technical, is harder for a random person to venture into. An idea hit me: building a decentralized Education community that incentivises both parties. I used Worldcoin's proof of personhood is used to ensure the community is made up of actual humans willing to learn, not bots trying to spam. All the data of NFTs on the platform are stored using The project is deployed on the Polygon Testnet.

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