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PageEth is a decentralized, privacy-preserving, omnichain communication protocol for secure message exchange across IoT devices, hardware-software interfaces, and dApps. It leverages blockchain technology to enable end-to-end encrypted communication in a trustless environment.


Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Winner of

The Graph - Best Use of Subgraph Grand Prize

LayerZero - Most Innovative Omnichain Solution 2nd place

Avail - Build with Avail

Prize Pool

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

PageEth is a decentralized and privacy preserving hardware and software communication Protocol that is omnichain solution to send and receive messages. It's use case can be extended to the following communications. It can be used to communicate between two IOT devices, between hardware and software and between two Decentralised software applications (dApps).

  1. Hardware to Hardware
  2. Hardware to Software (dApps)
  3. Software to Software (dApps)

PageEth can be used for following types of communications

  1. One to One Messaging
  2. One to Many Messaging

How it's Made

It's made using the following components :

Sign User Attestation

To address the problem that only verified user being able to send message to the network.
While Onboarding User needs to submit details for attestation and can login once they are verified.
Before Sending a message through Sign's Service user's attestation needs to be verified.
A hook contract is triggered during the attestation process, this contract makes the attested data available to all the supported chains, so that it can be queried without relying on a single blockchain.


Preventing bot attacks (DOS) or Sybil attacks, only real person can use our protocol.

ENS Resolution

Remembering the Address of the recipient is a difficult task. Especially when the sender is a hardware device.
ENS Resolution helps in resolving the address of the recipient.
Public address of the recipient is used to encrypt the message and store it on the Avail DA layer.

Avail DA

Message could be of variable length and it may create a problem to store very long messages on the blockchain due to congestion issues.
Avail's ensures that data is always available and can be retieved by the recipient which is same as the sender's data.

Sign Message Attestation, Custom Hook and Verification

Messages that contain Avail's data commitments are attested using Sign Message Attestation which makes it easy for the recipient to verify the message and fetch the data from Avail DA.

Custom Hook

Custom Hook contract takes the data from the message and encorporates Sign's Attestation to the message sends the same on the chain.

LayerZero contracts

LayerZero contracts ensures that the message is sent to all the configured chains currently base-sepolia, optimism-sepolia and polygon-amoy.
Each message recieved on each chain is broadcasted to all the other chains using LayerZero in batch send mode.

The Graph

The Graph is used to index the data and make it available for the recipient to query the data.


We are using nouns design, font and color scheme, using pixelated images and components revives the vintage theme of pager tech.
background image mobile

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