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Escrow app to prove to hackers that funds are there for them when they win a prize in a hackathob.


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Project Description

We've seen many instances of buidlers not being paid after they win a prices in hackathons. We are buidling on chain trust by making sponsors put up their price money before any events.. With Paid2Hack escrow service enables buidlers to see funds are deposited and ready to be distrubuted after winner selection.

Our app provides trust to buidlers, proof for sponsors aswell as on-chain data that legitimizes both virtual and in-person hackathon events.

How it's Made

The web app is built on NextJS + Typescript + Rainbowkit + Wagmi/Viem.

Everything is on-chain, including all event, team and sponsor names. We don't use a backend database.

We are deployed on

The smart contracts are written in Solidity and deployed to Scroll Sepolia testnet.

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