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Check if it's safe to borrow GHO tokens to a friend and send the funds right away


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Project Description

PalBorrow is a dApp for borrows between pals, that promotes trust, international transactions in various stablecoins, interest-free. In our platform you can check if your pal is elegible to give them a borrow. Just type their wallet address and see if it would represent a high risk for you, taking in consideration their current and historical data in GHO stablecoin. Additionaly, you will receive recommendations on how long the interest-free loan should be granted to your pal, based specifically on the risk it represents according to their historical balance.

How it's Made

This project use GHO SDK or Aave Utilities Javascript SDK to fetch data from a wallet (current balance, historical balance), then PalBorrow take that data to translate it in simple words for the user to understand if borrowing tokens to a friend could be risky or not.

Also, we used ConnectKit as the main provider to connect wallets to PalBorrow dapp.

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