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Introducing a decentralized news platform where users can upload local news stories. Powered by Livepeer technology for content delivery and Polybase as a decentralized database, this platform enables ordinary individuals to share their news with transparency and credibility.


Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

Introducing a decentralized news platform designed to empower ordinary users to share and contribute their local news stories. This innovative platform embraces the principles of decentralization, ensuring transparency, credibility, and inclusivity in the news reporting process.

By leveraging blockchain technology, this platform eliminates the need for a central authority, granting users the freedom to upload and verify news stories from their local communities. Each news article undergoes a thorough verification process, involving a consensus mechanism that involves multiple users confirming the accuracy and authenticity of the information.

Through this decentralized model, the platform aims to combat misinformation, censorship, and biased reporting prevalent in traditional news outlets. By giving voice to everyday individuals, the platform encourages diverse perspectives and facilitates the exchange of information that would otherwise go unnoticed or underreported.

The user-friendly interface allows anyone to easily upload their news articles, accompanied by multimedia elements such as images and videos. Moreover, the platform provides robust tools to fact-check and corroborate information, ensuring the highest standards of journalistic integrity.

To foster engagement and accountability, users can interact through comments, share their opinions, and contribute additional evidence or context to the news stories. The platform also offers features such as upvoting, where users can endorse reliable and valuable news articles, helping to surface the most important stories to a broader audience.

With this decentralized news platform, normal users become active participants in shaping the news landscape, promoting local journalism, and fostering a more informed society. By empowering individuals to share their perspectives and experiences, the platform strives to create a more inclusive and democratic media ecosystem where everyone's voice matters.

How it's Made

Frontend :-

we are using React.Js and ChakraUI to make the frontend of the application . for streaming and video services we are using Livepeer which help us to show the news content which are in form of videos .

backend :- we are using Polybase as a database to store user data on it which help user to save their all Player ID of Livepeer on their account which is only accessible by the owner of the video . and they can import all the player Id if they want . from our application

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