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PeerLock is a Key sharing Layer which run on top of Filecoin. And It will act as a network of Nodes which clients will rent out and store their keys.


Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

PeerLock is a groundbreaking decentralized access control layer designed specifically for IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) and Filecoin. Unlike traditional access control layers that rely on distributed networks and key sharding, PeerLock introduces a novel approach using Vault Providers (VP) nodes to enhance the security and efficiency of access control.

At its core, PeerLock leverages VP nodes, which are dedicated nodes that provide storage services for storing access conditions and data. When a VP node is initialized, it creates a smart contract within the Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM). This contract acts as a secure and immutable ledger to enforce access control rules and facilitate interactions with users.

To utilize the storage services of a VP node, users are required to deposit funds into the FVM. This deposit serves as a guarantee for accessing and utilizing the VP node's storage resources. By utilizing the FVM and its smart contract capabilities, PeerLock ensures transparency, accountability, and trust in the access control process.

PeerLock's unique architecture offers several advantages over traditional access control layers. It enables efficient management of access conditions and data storage, enhancing scalability and performance. The utilization of VP nodes and the integration with the Filecoin ecosystem provide a secure and decentralized infrastructure for access control, promoting data privacy and integrity.

The main problem with the Current Access control layers are:

  1. Fault Tolerance: The possibility of fault is higher due to sharing the key and distributing them.

  2. No Public Access: Public Users can't able to run nodes that provide their storage.

  3. Easy To Use: Fully Depends on Blockchain parameters which can affect new projects that are onboarding to Web3.

By clarifying the above Points we set our goals to:

Decentrality Public Running nodes Easy to use Low Fault Tolerance Rate

And We are solving this by running a network of two kinds of nodes called VP(Vault Providers) nodes and Client nodes.

What is a VP node? VP nodes are nodes that will offer Vaults to clients. and store the access details.

What is a Vault? A vault is a small storage that can be accessed when making a deal with a VP node. just like Fliecoin.

What Happens if a VP node goes offline? When a VP node goes offline client node will take its money back.

What happens if a Client Withdraws the Token? When a Client withdraws the tokens. VP node has a track of it and deletes the Access Data for that client.

Basically, The client will make the deal with n > 2 Nodes making it more decentralized.


This Project is initialized by Cirrus IPFS. I am Sri Santh founder and CEO of Cirrus IPFS. Our goal is to provide easy-to-use Web3 storage for Web3 onboarding projects and the web2 ecosystem. I am a solopreneur. It could be better if I have any support for my startup.

How it's Made

It is made on top of FVM or FEVM. which makes Deals and contracts. and To communicate with other nodes i am using Libp2p. And 90% of integration is completed for,, and estuary. which makes Onboarding the file to IPFS/Filecoin easier.

It will be different than today's Key sharing layers which don't give a guarantee of Key Shard holding. where else Peer Lock which uses a decentralized Key storing gives a guarantee to the Key storing and Access Control.

And Access Control layer doesn't let the Public Nodes run the Access Control Nodes. This will be solved in PeerLock Protocol

So the core is very simple! PeerLock will be a Network of nodes called VP nodes. which will deploy the contract on FVM and wait for clients to access its Vualts. When a user makes a deal for Vault. The client will directly talk with the node without any traceback. making it more secure.

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