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Peersky Browser

A p2p, offline, and experimental web browser for everyone!!!

Peersky Browser

Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

Have you ever wondered what it'd be like if the internet wasn't controlled by a handful of big companies? That's what the distributed web, or dWeb, is all about. It's a new kind of internet that operates on a network of computers where everyone shares and cooperates. This way, no single entity can control or shut it down. It's like turning the entire web into a giant, global community project.

Peersky is your personal gatekeeper to a new way of accessing web content. Imagine a world where you can access web pages from anyone in a network who has a copy of it, rather than depending on a single website server.

Peersky runs a local IPFS node, that fetches and displays web content directly from the decentralized network. It effortlessly recognizes web addresses starting with "ipfs://" or "ipns://", making your browsing experience both offline-friendly and decentralized.

How it's Made

Currently uses js-ipfs for the IPFS protocol handler (will integrate helia in the upcoming months). The web contents are rendered via Chromium using the Electron framework. Electron is useful since it's what allows us to publish Peersky on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. dsfdsfsdfsdffsd

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