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A profit-sharing network for art collectives, encouraging sustainable collaboration and community governance. Members collectively create and share profits, fostering transparency and fairness within the ecosystem.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Gnosis Chain - Best Powerpool Finance Integration 2nd Place

Project Description

The PieSlicer revolutionizes the digital art space by establishing a circular economy. Each NFT purchase triggers a split in funds, benefitting creators, the distribution treasury, and an investment treasury. The latter, governed by a DAO comprised of NFT holders, serves as a democratic funding mechanism for new projects proposed by any network member.

The unique aspect lies in the integration of a square root algorithm for both distribution and voting mechanisms. This ensures fairness and prevents the concentration of power by larger stakeholders. The distribution treasury undergoes disbursement to all NFT holders every 60 days, creating a consistent and predictable cycle.

To facilitate this intricate ecosystem, we leverage PowerPool, a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol. This allows for automated and transparent transactions, contributing to the overall decentralization of the network.

Our ultimate goal is to shift from traditional donation models to a more sustainable investment framework. By making every NFT holder a stakeholder in all network projects, we aim to create a truly collaborative and rewarding environment for the entire community.

We realise the importance of a good UX for the wider adoption of web3, that’s why we have made sure that the user can create a wallet and buy an NFT without knowing what blockchain is, using Credit Card payments as well as social wallets.

How it's Made

The Pie Slicer is assembled with Solidity smart contracts on Gnosis Chain, complemented by a frontend developed in NextJS and Typescript. The technical design of smart contracts encompasses PieSlicer.sol, serving as the Profit-sharing network's hub. It functions as the entry point, storing data on holders' shares and connected NFT contracts. Admin access facilitates NFT contract deployment, a role slated to transition to governance by a Governor DAO through NFT holder voting.

The PieSlicer.sol contract deploys DistributionTreasury to manage funds distributed to members. This treasury employs a square root function for fair share calculation and includes get functions for transparent real-time share calculations.

The PSNFT.sol contract, an ERC721 with ERC721URIStorage, manages NFT functionality. Owned by the artist, it allows dynamic pricing adjustments and features a lock function requiring a minimum one-week token possession for distribution eligibility, preventing network gaming.

Automated fund distribution is executed through PowerPool's automated job, occurring every 60 days to ensure a consistent and predictable fund distribution cycle.

For the development lifecycle, Multibass is employed for building, deploying, and managing smart contracts, recognized for its efficiency in immediate testing and deployment processes. We also utilised Multibass for building a dashboard ensuring transparency and clarity on the Distribution of funds by using Event Queries.

Finally, we build an easy-to-use NFT marketplace on top of this system, whether you are an experienced web3 user or a newcomer, by leveraging social wallets and traditional connectors.

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