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Piglet is designed to make setting your future self up for financial success a fun, effortless, and interactive experience. With just a few clicks, you can set up automatic deposits in either fiat or crypto, and set a savings schedule that suits you


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Polygon — Pool Prize

🥉 NEAR — Best Use of BOS

🏊 The Graph — Pool Prize

Project Description

Saving money is a crucial aspect of achieving financial stability and freedom, yet many individuals struggle with it. In today's world of living paycheck to paycheck and growing economic uncertainty, the importance of saving has never been greater.

Piglet is designed to make setting your future self up for financial success a fun, effortless, and interactive experience.

You have the flexibility to select your saving goals. Whether you aim to accumulate ETH for running a validator node or saving up for a down payment on a house, Piglet allows you to set personalized milestones that will be displayed in your profile dashboard, keeping you motivated and on track.

Alternatively, you can choose to save for your long-term well-being without a specific target in mind.

With just a few clicks, you can set up automatic deposit options in either fiat or crypto, establishing a savings schedule that suits you. And here's the best part: every time you deposit and pay your future self, you'll be rewarded with an exclusive NFT.

The more deposits you make, the higher your chances of receiving limited edition NFTs with special powers. For example, imagine being airdropped an NFT that allows you to enter a draw for win $500 dollars, or a complimentary trip to an exciting destination—simply for your honouring your commitment to saving.

To further enhance the gamified saving experience, Piglet offers the option to join saving teams. You can either become part of a larger savings pool squad like the Nouns savings club or create your own team with friends and family. The leaderboard feature allows you to track the top saver and offer encouragement to those who might need it. Additionally, you can set up prize pools with NFT rewards, cash rewards, or simply compete for bragging rights.

Users also earn an APR % on their deposited funds. You have the flexibility to choose from available portfolio options or enter Piglet's general fund, which includes tokens such as unshETH, DAI, Apecoin, and others.

By using Piglet, you not only accelerate your progress toward financial goals but also contribute to the funding of public goods.

A small percentage of the APR is paid out to Piglet, and a portion of that revenue is allocated to a community-owned safe pool. Every quarter, individuals who have made a certain number of deposits receive a temporary soul-bound token, enabling them to participate in voting on how the community wants to allocate those funds for public good initiatives.

Unlock the power of collective savings with Piglet. Empowering you to contribute towards your personal financial goals, bolster the financial well-being of your friends, and actively fund public goods.

How it's Made

Unlock - Setting up automated payments is easy with their subscription model and it issues users a fun NFT. Temporary Soulbound tokens are distributed to people who made savings deposits in a certain time period, unlocking their ability to cast a vote on what public goods they want to be funded for that quarter

Polygon - payments and nfts minted on polygon, safe on polygon

PolygonZKevm - contract deployed and payments possible on this chain

unshETH - is one of the staking options available to help users earn APR

Apecoin - is one of the staking options available to help users earn APR. Also anyone in the BoredApes ecosystem is eligible for exclusive BoredApe branded nfts, as well as join the Bored Apes Savings Sqaud

sDAI - is one of the staking options available to help users earn APR

Safe - where we hold the small APR fee revenue we take that we then use to create the matching pools for our public goods funding rounds

The graph - pulling data for the leaderboard, your savings totals and the data around any savings teams you’re on

Near - BOS allowing us to have a frontend that can interact with other EVM chains

Hyperlane - allows us to swap out tokens from various chains - ex taking sDAI on eth mainnet and bridging it to polygon to go into our safe

Nouns - There will be a Nouns Saving Squad and anyone in the Nouns ecosystem is eligible for exclusive Nouns branded NFTs

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