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A NFT based Rentable Game Account utilising EIP4907 and EIP6551


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Project Description

This project is an innovative combination of EIP4907 and EIP6551, aimed at promoting mass adoption by allowing users to rent accounts for various purposes. The primary focus is on addressing the current challenges hindering widespread acceptance of web3 technologies. Many individuals identify themselves as web3 novices, possessing theoretical knowledge but lacking practical experience in areas like interacting with decentralized finance (DeFi), purchasing NFTs, and engaging with Gamefi.

The key obstacle preventing broader participation is the high cost of opportunity. To overcome this barrier, PixelRental seeks to create a platform that reduces entry barriers by enabling users to rent accounts and experience the benefits firsthand. Initially, the focus will be on the Gamefi industry, where users can explore the potential of this exciting field.

By providing users with a low-risk and cost-effective way to engage with web3 applications, PixelRental aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice. This approach will empower more individuals to dive into the world of decentralized technologies and contribute to the broader adoption of blockchain-based solutions. Through this venture, we envision a future where web3 becomes more accessible, intuitive, and widely embraced by a diverse range of users.

How it's Made

The sincere word, the project was not targeting any specific grants. I was here to build for fun and see the current issue with the market. And trying to find a method to resolve a small part of it. The tech stack is relatively simple—solidity and hardhat for contract creaetion+deployment. Frontend uses nextjs+tailwind. Compile framework is turbo. Lastly, we host the website on Vercel.

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