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Playground NFT Minting Shop: Unity3D Template

A unity demo project showcasing how to mint runtime generated metadata, 3D objects , images etc to your own collection to the connected players wallet

Playground NFT Minting Shop: Unity3D Template

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

NFT Minting zone/shop in playgrouund sample showcases how to mint NFTs from inside game engine unity at runtime. It showcases 3 different types of mint from easy mint to fully customizable NFT minting where we generate an NFT image, its eD object and metadata according to user input in the game. This showcases the example and power of generating any unity game object as an NFT procedurally at runtime.


How it's Made

Its made in Game engine Unity3D, where image is created at runtime via unity's internal capture feature and 3D object is exported via GLTfast. both are then hosted over IPFS, Custom metadata is made and minted to players' wallet using NFTPorts unity SDK supporting multiple blockchains like Ethereum, Polygon, Eth testnets and more.

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