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Polygon Smart Contract Count

Created a Smart Contract using Polygon Testnet which acts as a counter for transaction

Polygon Smart Contract Count

Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Polygon — Pool Prize

Project Description

Implemented a very simple code for the sake of understanding the workflow behind Smart Contracts and getting some hands on experience with Web3. The Solidity Code has a counter function which simply increments for each time a transaction takes place. PoS Mumbai Testnet was used for deployment.

How it's Made

This project is about deployment of Smart Contract onto Polygon PoS Mumbai Testnet. I've created a very simple Solidity Code which increases the counter variable for each transaction that is made. I've used Polygon Faucet for the transaction fee. I used the MetaMask Wallet and the counter is set to one (1) after the completion of transaction, it'll be increased for each transaction that is made by interacting with the Smart Contract. It is not the best of my submission but I learned so much building this and trying my hands on other awesome things web3 promises and offer.

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