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Polyguard, a powerful fraud monitoring service designed specifically for account abstraction.


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Winner of

🔐 Gnosis Chain — Best Safe Project

Project Description

Similar to traditional online services that use two-factor authentication, account abstraction allows users to add a secondary key that co-signs every transaction. With Polyguard, we add an extra layer of security by monitoring the secondary key for suspicious activity, helping prevent unauthorized transactions and protecting users' assets.

How it's Made

Polyguard is seamlessly integrated with the Gnosis Safe wallet, leveraging its robust functionality. We utilize web3auth to connect users' wallets securely. Additionally, we rely on the Safe Account Abstraction SDK, specifically employing the Auth Kit, Protocol Kit, Safe API, and Safe Core Protocol packages for creating, executing, and signing transactions.

To facilitate web3 interactions, we utilize the ethers package, which provides essential web3 utilities. Our project comprises two components: a frontend developed with TypeScript and MUI (Material-UI), and a backend powered by Next.js, also written in TypeScript.

The backend incorporates a fraud detection module that utilizes rule-based methods to detect suspicious activities and safeguard against potential fraud.

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