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Power Habits

Build healthy habits with frens. We are what we repeatedly do.

Power Habits

Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Winner of

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Register with your mail, join a challenge to build an habit and receive airdrop for reaching goals. Also you can stake to create challenges and invite your friends to build healthy habits together. The size of the wellness market worldwide stood at 5.61 trillion U.S. dollars in 2022. This project aims to bring that huge niche of people building good habits to the crypto space. We want to onboard them with the same user experience as any social app while reward those brave people for building healthy habits.

How it's Made

We build this project on Morph because they have the same purpose as us: build consumer apps for everyone. We use react native for the frontend and integrate Dynamic for the login and sign transactions. Chainlink help use to upload off chain health data to the network. This was our first big challenges. Morph does not support yet Chainlink Functions but we did the code in order to be ready for the integration (tested on base sepolia). We use Worldcoin to verify that only humans can join a challenge and claim rewards. We are very proud that we build and integration with React Native that is not supported nativelly for the official SDK. For the backend we use Next.js and Solidity for the smart contracts.

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