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Power Probe

Power Probe utilizes Power Loom nodes to track performance metrics, offering a user-friendly dashboard for insightful analytics.

Power Probe

Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2024

Winner of

PowerLoom - Best Use of Powerloom 1st place

Project Description

Power Probe harnesses the capabilities of Power Loom snapshotter node for tracking performance metrics, facilitating intuitive analytics through a user-friendly dashboard interface. With an elegant presentation, our dashboard provides users with comprehensive insights into snapshotter node statistics, enabling efficient monitoring and analysis at a glance.

How it's Made

We built this project using tools like the Power Loom snapshotter node and Ethereum Sepolia chain, along with ReactJS and Tailwind CSS for the frontend and docker to run the node. Our dashboard makes it easy to see how the system is doing and understand its performance. We worked hard to find smart solutions to challenges without resorting to shortcuts, ensuring everything runs smoothly and is easy to use for everyone.

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